
  • Uni Packing List

    University Packing List for International Students

    When I was getting ready to move to the UK I was looking at all sorts of posts and guides trying to find a university packing list. The only problem was that none of them were aimed at people moving overseas. I wouldn’t have access to my parents car to drive almost my entire bedroom to my dorm. Instead I was moving by myself and limited to two suitcases. So when I was packing I focused on making sure I packed the essentials then a few extra things that were small enough to pack. For everything else like bedding and kitchen supplies I either ordered them ahead or just bought…

  • Uncategorized

    11 COVID Friendly Holiday Activities

    Christmas is looking a lot different for everyone this year. I was lucky enough to be able to travel home thanks both to all my classes being moved online for the remainder of the year and having covid testing available to me on arrival. I had to do two covid tests (one at the airport and another a week later once that one came back negative) putting my total up to 5 covid tests this year with a total of 7 swabs 👀. Even though I was able to come home we aren’t able to do lots of our normal Christmas traditions because of the restrictions that are in place.…