15 Safety Tips for Uni Students
Heading to university is so exciting, especially in a new city. It can also be a little scary to be on your own for the first time. The unfortunate reality of the world is that it’s not always safe. These are my top safety tips for uni students. Most of these apply to anyone but especially young women living on their own.
Even if you are attending Uni in your hometown and living at home, a lot of these tips are still important particularly if you are staying on campus late.

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1. Check campus safety measures
Look into what security measures are available on your campus. Some campuses have dedicated emergency systems, and most have security that you can contact. Make sure you have the security teams number saved to your phone in case you need to use it.
2. Don’t walk alone at night
Avoid walking alone at night as much as possible, especially late in the evening. See if a friend or roommate is going the same way and arrange to walk together. Check to see if your campus has a Safewalk program in place. The university I attended for my undergraduate degree had Safewalk and I used it all the time. Safewalk is a program where groups of volunteers patrol campus and will walk with you to your car or home if you live close.
If you do have to walk alone at night stick to well-light and high traffic areas.
3. Make sure someone knows where you are
Make sure someone knows where you are and where you’re going. Check in with someone before you leave and when you arrive There are also apps you can get like circle of six or walk safe that will share your location with a set of contact, and alert them if you don’t get to a location (like home) by a certain time.
4. Be aware of your surroundings
Always make sure you are aware of your surroundings. Don’t walk around looking at your phone, and don’t walk with headphones in. If you need to be using headphones make sure you only have them in one ear. If you are in a new city make yourself familiar early on. When you are walking around always make sure you look like you know where you are going (even if you don’t). If you need to be using maps have a headphone in (remember just one!) add use the maps audio.
5. Get a Personal Safety Alarm
I have a she’s birdie alarm, and I highly recommend them. They are a small arm that fits on your keychain and when you pull the top the have a strobe light and a 130db alarm. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to use it, the alarm will likely startle an attacker and draw attention to you. I like personal safety alarms because they don’t require any kind of skill to use, and they are legal pretty much everywhere. Things like pepper spray and self-defence keychains (little brass-knuckle like keychains) are illegal in many US states, Canada and the UK.
You can order your own she’s birdie alarm here. I am an ambassador for she’s birdie so you can get 10% off your order using the code MICHAELA10.
6. Be safe using ride share services like Uber – and have alternatives
Always use safe practices when riding with Uber. You should check the license plate and ask the driver “who are you here to pick up”, so that they can confirm your name, up before getting into the vehicle. You can also share your ride with your contacts. A nice way of letting the driver know that you are sharing your location is just giving your contact a call once you get in and saying that your on your way and you’ve shared the ride with them. Another thing you may want to do is to not use your exact home address, you can use one next door or on the same street. If you’re getting dropped off don’t choose one too far away.
It is also good to have alternative transport options. Sometimes Ubers can take a while to arrive or surge pricing makes them ridiculously expensive. Have saved in you phone the number of a local certified cab company that you can use as an alternative if you need to.
6. Keep your phone charged
I will be the first to admit that I am terrible at keeping my phone charged. However since moving away for uni I try to be more conscious about having my phone charged when I’m out. It’s important to have a way to contact someone if you find yourself in an emergency situation, or even if you get separated from your friends on a night out. Part of my routine when I’m getting ready to go out is to stick my phone on the charger while I get ready. When I’m traveling or even just at school I keep a portable charger in my bag so that I can easily charge my phone while on the go.
8. Have a plan in place when you go out
I am very big on having a plan for going out. Everyone should know where you are going, what time you plan to stay out til and how you are getting there and back. If you are using public transport 1) don’t ride alone and 2) make sure you know when the last bus train is.
If you do get separated from your friends and decide to leave, let them know that your are leaving and when you get home.
9. Don’t leave drinks unattended
Never leave your drinks unattended and never accept drinks from strangers. Your drink should go from the bartender directly to you. There are also drink covers and bottle stoppers you can get to help keep someone from spiking the drink you are holding. I have this one thats a scrunchie which turns into a cover for you glass.
If you do find yourself feeling unwell and are worried about being spiked let your friends or the bartender know. Don’t go anywhere alone. Some symptoms of spiking may include loss of balance, feeling sleepy, confusion, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, visual problems like blurred vision, sometimes feeling more drunk than you should be for the amount you’ve had.
If you are with a friend that you think has been spiked let the bartender know and if they seem like they are getting worse you should call and ambulance or take them to a hospital.
10. Be conscious about what you share on social media
I think sometimes people can get a little too comfortable with what they share on social media. Don’t share what dorm building you’re in. Also don’t share your live location. Adjust your privacy settings and have two factor authentication activated. @cathypedrayes on instagram and TikTok shares lots of different safety tips for both the digital world and real life.
11. Lock your doors
Always lock your doors. Even when you are in during the day lock you doors. My flatmates and I always have our door locked. Even in your dorm its a good idea to keep your door locked all the time, but especially at night.
13. Trust your instincts
Your instinct are usually right. If you feel uncomfortable in a situation LEAVE. In the words of My Favourite Murder ‘fuck politeness’. Don’t let your fear of being rude keep you in a situation where you are uncomfortable or unsafe.
14. Be careful if you drive
If you are driving these are some things to keep in mind.
Don’t park somewhere where you feel unsafe. If it doesn’t feel right just go park somewhere else.
When leaving somewhere get into your car immediately, and as soon as you get in lock your doors and drive away. Don’t sit around in your vehicle.
15. Know some basic self defence
Its a good idea to familiarize yourself with some basic self defence tips. Know some weak spots to hit just in case.
Finding yourself in an unsafe situation is absolutely never your fault it, that lies solely with whoever put you in that situation. These tips are what I do to help myself feel safe and go about my life with less anxiety. I hope you have lots of fun at university but please stay safe!