February Plan with Me
In January I didn’t use my bullet journal at all. I kept thinking I should do something but picking out a theme and spending the time drawing just was not a priority while I was getting ready for exams. After exams were over I had a few days before the start of February which would have been the perfect time to get the whole month planned out but at this point all I wanted to do was veg out before the semester started. So I literally didn’t start on this spread until January 31. Because of this I wanted to do something that wasn’t too complicated but still looked nice. I hope you enjoy this little ‘plan with me’, I am hoping to do one every month but we will see how that goes.
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I have a note saved on my iPad where I keep ideas and doodles for new themes, so I was able to just pick one there. The idea for this theme was originally classical sculpture but I ended up including some more modern statues as well.
Since its February I thought I’d start with Venus de milo. Although I was really happy with how the sketch turned out I’m not actually crazy about the title page as a whole. If I were to redo it I would probably pick a different font for the lettering.
Title Page

The to-do list is somewhere I can jot down things I need to get done but don’t actually have a specific date that I schedule them to. I also use it to remind myself to go over any sections of notes that I don’t thinks of learnt well enough. After I took these photos I ended up adding a habit tracker to keep track of my water intake and my yoga that I started doing this month.
For the weekly spreads I started by picking out which statues I wanted to use and finding images I liked online. Then I very roughly sketched them in to get the placement right.
Over the next couple days I worked on and details and shading to each of them, again just using a reference picture from online.
Week 1
This first week I did the Veiled Vestal Virgin by Rafaelle Monti. This is one of my favourite sculptures. I love the effect of the veil over the face and how you get the impression that it’s actually translucent even though its stone. Also if you’re a fan of the 2005 Pride and Prejudice you’ll recognize it from Elizabeth’s visit to Pemberley. (Apparently the statue is actually kept at Chatsworth House … and I definitely want to go visit).

Week 2
The next week was inspired by Michelangelo’s David. I actually did a similar drawing back when I was in jr high so it was really cool to see how drawing has improved since then!

Week 3
The third week I featured the Winged Victory of Samothrace. To be honest I had no idea what this statue was called before I did this post, I just google Nike statue (as in the goddess Nike).
This sketch was probably the hardest one to do. First, because I decided to do it right in the centre so I had to deal with the fold/crease (apparently correctly called a hinge but I disagree). Secondly, because of the number of folds and gathers in her dress meant a lot of shading, that didn’t show up very well on camera.

Week 4
The final statue I did was this one of Asclepius, which I though was fitting. If you don’t know Asclepius is the God of Medicine and he is usually depicted holding a staff entwined with a single serpent, also know as the rod of Asclepius. (Fun fact: the caduceus that is often associated with medicine and has two entwined snakes is actually a symbol of the god Hermes).

Once I had the sketches done I did some simple hand lettering for the days. I always do my lettering first in pencil then go over it in ink. That way I can get the spacing right and fix any mistakes.
I hope you enjoyed seeing how I plan my bullet journal, and I hope you get some inspiration for your own!
These are all the products I used to do this spread: