How to Sew Origami Style Face Masks
Alright so I have been going back and forth about whether or not to make face masks (Everyone’s doing it and there are a million tutorials out there now) but masks recently became mandatory where I live and so it kinda made sense to start making them. That and my mom was wanting a style that was more comfortable to wear. I am also now slightly obsessed with making masks that match my outfit. I ended up settling on this origami/folded 3D style because its comfortable to wear and really efficient in fabric usage. One of the nice things about it is that it sits off of your face a…
Irish Cream Buttercream Icing for St. Patrick’s Day Cupcakes
This post is all about Irish Cream Buttercream. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! For those of you that don’t know St. Patrick’s Day is for more than drinking green beer (ew btw) but actually celebrates St. Patrick who is the patron saint of Ireland. Overall it provides an opportunity to celebrate Irish culture and all things Irish! To celebrate this year I decided to make some cupcakes, and I thought I’d share with you the recipe for my Irish Cream buttercream. This is essentially my regular American Buttercream recipe with a few tweaks. I’ve omitted the vanilla and cut back on the sugar, and of course added Irish cream. You will…
A Day in Southampton
Southampton is a city on the southern coast of the UK located in the county of Hampshire. Back in February I had the chance to visit when I traveled there with my cousin to interview for their medical school. We arrived in the city two nights before my interview, and ended up having a whole day in Southampton to wander around and take in the sights. We ended up getting a late start to the day (hello jetlag) and so we didn’t end up fitting in everything I had looked into before we left but we were able to see quite a bit and at a nice relaxed pace. Our…
I Got an Interview!!
Alright so an update on my medical school journey …. like three months later. First off school was insanely busy the past two month so I didn’t get around to posting an update while this was actually happening but I thought I would post about it now that I’m almost done with midterms. So as the title says I got an invite to interview for medical school, actually as of now I have three interviews to some of the medical school I applied to in the UK! I am honestly amazed and so grateful, there was a point where I thought that I wasn’t going to get any invites and…
How to Start the New Term on the Right Foot
7 Tips for starting school with your best foot forward Today was my first day back after winter break, and the first day of my last semester of university. My first semester of university I was very organized putting everything into my calendar and setting reminders for my homework but as time went on I got a bit lazy. This always results in me being way more stressed than necessary and I end up cramming right before exams. I decided that this semester I needed to get my sh*t together and finish my degree off strong, and the only way to do that is to hit the ground running. So…
Halloween is Scary but Midterms are Scarier
In other words, Halloween is my favourite holiday but midterms made me cry. So it’s been a while since I posted, I had orignally planned on sharing another post once I submitted my applications but that didn’t happen so I thought instead I would talk about this past October AKA the most stressful month I’ve had in four years of university. October 1 – 6 October first Med school applications were due for Canadian schools. Now when I started my applications in the summer I had planned on finished before September so that when the deadline came alll I had to do would be review and submit, I KNEW that…
So What are These Big Dreams?
Medical School and What The Hell I Plan to Do With My Life. I have been going back and forth with myself whether or not I wanted to write about my journey applying to medical school. I have decided I will (obviously). What has been holding me back is the feeling that if I don’t get in, which is a possibility, then having talked about it online means that its out there for everyone to see. But I have decided to say screw it, as writing about the process seems to keep me on track and hopefully someone else can learn a little bit more about what the process is…